Accessibility Review

Not sure where or how to start with accessibility? An Accessibility Review is for you! After we work together, you’ll:

  • know how accessible your current project is,
  • know how to fix it, and
  • feel more confident about improving your accessibility moving forward.

Who this is for

This is for you if you’re interested in:

  • expanding your client base
  • making your online space more welcoming, or
  • improving the accessibility of your website

If any of those sound like you, I’d love to work with you!


First, you’ll fill out a quick form with some information about your business and links to 1-3 items/pages that you’d like me to review, in order of importance. I’ll send you an email to schedule a time for us to talk, and I’ll also let you know how many of the links I’ll cover in my review.

On the day of our chat, we’ll sit down on Zoom for about 30 minutes. I’ll walk you through all of my recommendations and, if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them. In most cases, some of these recommendations will be little things, while others will be more technical or time consuming.

A person using a computer
Image by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I’ll also give you a document with an overview of my recommendations. And, if you’re interested in hiring me to make any of the changes I’ve recommended, we can schedule a proposal call to go over all the specifics, now or at any time in the future.


Basic accessibility review: $49

Additional items reviewed can be added for $75 per hour

Book now!